Alina Frieske

⁠Eyes on Talents member, Alina Frieske, is taking part in the group exhibition Making Light of Every Thing at the Centre de la photographie Genève, until 28 April. The exhibition explores the multiple relationships between manufactured images and intimacy. Alina Frieske's images are made from a multitude of carefully categorised and organised photographic fragments, which she cuts from images downloaded online. Composing complex photomontages halfway between photography and painting, her work reflects the fragmented way in which our daily lives, our exchanges and our intimate relationships are constructed online, subordinated to an omnipresent algorithmic architecture. Although her portraits and still lifes are mainly based on found images, a sense of intimacy and proximity emerges from her work, bringing us face to face with ourselves, and with what we wish to hide or reveal in our virtual interactions.
Using collage techniques, German artist Alina Frieske explores the multiplicity of information stored as part of what constitutes our virtual identities, and the impact of digital technologies on our daily lives.